Written by Nikolai Erdman
Theatre Art Studio
Sergey Zhenovach's adaptation of Nikolai Erdman's comedy centers around a young, unemployed man desperate enough to contemplate ending it all. As soon as he declares his will to die he finds himself surrounded by a variety of characters begging him to kill himself as a gesture for their cause. Flattered by this noteriety but panicked at the prospect of actually having to go through with it, he must find a way out that somehow leaves his dignity intact.
The play, originally written in 1928, forms a link in Russian literary history between the satirical mastery of Nikolai Gogol and the post-World War II Theatre of the Absurd.

Language: Russian
Translation: English subtitles
Running time: 2 hours 49 minutes
Trailer & photos: Alexander Ivanishin
Creative Team
Stage adaptation and direction - Sergey Zhenovach
Set Design - Alexander Borovsky
Lighting Design - Damir Ismagilov
Composer - Grigory Gobernik
Podsekalnikov – Vyacheslav Evlantiev
Maria, wife – Evgenia Gromova
Serafima, mother-in-law – Anastasia Imamova
Kalabushkin – Alexey Vertkov
Peryesvetova – Maria Shashlova
Grand-Skubik – Grigory Sluzhitel
Yegor Timofeevich – Sergey Kachanov
Pugachov, a butcher – Igor Lizengevich
Viktor, a writer – Alexander Proshin
Father Yelpidy, a priest – Sergey Abroskin
Cleopatra Maksimovna – Olga Kalashnikova
Raisa Filippovna – Tatiana Volkova
Old woman – Polina Pushkaruk
Oleg Leonidovich – Ivan Yankovsky
Young man – Gleb Puskepalis
Milliner – Katerina Vasilyeva
Waiters – Nodar Siradze, Alexander Suvorov
Tuba Band led by Victor Kozlov